Chapter 7 Other guidance and reports

Review of the Natural Environment White Paper (2012) (England)


Review of the Natural Environment White Paper (2012) (England)

The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee (EFRA) published a report of an inquiry into the Natural Environment White Paper (NEWP). There are two key paragraphs which may be relevant to wildlife on site.

The first (paragraph 84) expresses disappointment with the lack on integration of the principles set out in NEWP into the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and asks for additional guidance to be published by the Government for planning authorities. Perhaps this has now been adequately provided through the publication of the National Planning Practice Guidance.

The second (paragraph 89) expresses support for biodiversity offsetting, confirming it seems that something similar to that being trialled in the 6 pilot areas is highly likely to be rolled out more widely. However, at the time of writing (May 2017), this has not happened.

Chapter 7 Other guidance and reports
Thomson Handbook Chapter 7 Other guidance and reports Review of the Natural Environment White Paper (201...